SuperFood Ltd. wholesale was founded in 2008 in Belgrade. The main activity is import and distribution, but the main focus is healthy organic food. Superfood products have been successfully sold in all wholesale, supermarkets and retail health food stores for over ten years. Some of the supermarkets are Mercator, Idea, Idea Organic, Roda, DM, Maxi, Tempo, Univerexport, Metro, Gomex, etc. as well as restaurants and cafes. We tried to make Superfood organic products available to you also online so that you can find them on our online store and also at several excellent online stores of our business partners.
"Pure Energy" is our slogan that summarizes our goal which we strive for, for us as well as for our customers, through expert selection of only the healthiest food products.
All products which we're offering hold the international "USDA" and "SKAL" certificates and national re-certificate which confirm they are organic and manufactured in accordance with the principles of sustainable development, environmental protection and "green" technologies.